About RWMC

Message from the President



Radioactive Waste Management Funding
and Research Center(RWMC)

RWMC has two pillar missions. One is research and development for safe radioactive waste management. The other is the fund administration for reliable implementation of geological disposal.

Since 1976, as a unique research organization dedicated to radioactive waste management in Japan, RWMC has been conducting a broad array of research and development by utilizing knowledge of academic and industrial sectors. Through research and development, we have been contributing to national policy planning, development of safety regulations, and expansion of technical options for the electric utilities and the disposal implementing entities.

Concerning the fund administration, as the designated organization under "the Designated Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Act", we commenced the administration of the final disposal fund for high-level radioactive waste in 2000. In addition, we also started managing the final disposal fund for TRU waste (subject to geological disposal) in 2008.

Although the environments surrounding nuclear powers are changing drastically, RWMC reaffirms the importance of our missions and will fulfill actively our missions contributing to the development of the society.

We would appreciate sincerely your further support and cooperation.